We will maintain an open dialog with all community stakeholders so as to ensure we are working in collaboration with the Indigenous Community.
This customized program will be based on the following key principles for Indigenous engagement:
Remember that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and communities are diverse and not all the same
Some communities are still dealing with intergenerational trauma. A clear understanding of the general and local history offers greater insight for working with your local community
Listening to what communtites want, and acting on it goes along way toward building positive relationships for your community
Follow community protocols and recognise that the ultimate authority regarding cultural knowledge rests with the local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community
Identify the appropriate people in the community to consult with. Wherever possible, work with the community to develop programs, events, and learning and employment opportunities
Time is crucial for developing strong and positive relationships, allocate sufficient time and resources for ongoing consultation
Forming strong relationships takes time and trust. Stay connected and seek advice when unsure of how to progress the relationship
Mandana. Website by dms CREATiVE