In the spirit of reconciliation, Mandana’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness Training aims to create awareness and understanding of Australia’s First Nations people and culture.
Mandana’s cultural awareness training is suitable for those organisations seeking to develop an understanding and awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture, expand capabilities to lead to organisational change, and learn strategies to recognise and challenge racism.
In this training, you will develop an understanding and an appreciation for:
· The makeup of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population
· The barriers that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians face
· The integration of different cultures in Australia
· Key terms in describing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and people
· The meaning and symbolism of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags
· Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural practices
· The complexities of communication methods and issues
· Significant events and their meaning
Participants will also see how they can do their part in strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how we can all come together to foster inclusion and respect.
Mandana. Website by dms CREATiVE